

Train the trainers activity Cyprus 2024


Hosted by the project partner ''Emphasys Centre''
The project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, is born from the urging need to provide training programmes to students with deafness and hearing impairments in order to help them dealing with the general lack of services and programmes available to deaf or hearing impaired citizens.

VET Trainers in-service training programme for the 3D4DEAF project

The 3D4DEAF project aims to bring together a transnational team of experts to design, produce, and pilot-test a TOOL KIT to empower VET trainers to promote 3D technologies and social entrepreneurial skills among their students with deafness/hearing impairments.
  • Introduce non-formal learning opportunities in the form of extra-curricular activities as purported by the 2018 Digital Action Plan to provide VET teachers and students with a comprehensive training pack based on real needs through the creation of the 3D4DEAF SOCIAL HUBS
  • Identify and equip individuals with digital skills to turn social needs into entrepreneurial plans
  • Open up new career paths for these students as digital entrepreneurs and new digital creators and leaders who resolve social issues and environmental issues through developing robust innovation tools
  • Promote the project results to the target groups and ensure a strong impact through dissemination activities
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Between the 17th and 21st of June, the VET Trainers' in-service training was organised in Nicosia, Cyprus with 19 participants from all partner countries (Poland, Cyprus, Spain, Italy and Greece). The participants attending the training programme have diverse backgrounds such as VET trainers, deaf educators, deaf young adults, adult educators, IT specialists, project managers, interpreters etc.

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The main aim of the training was to present, test and analsye all the results and activities in WP2 – WP3 – WP4 for the professionals and experts to integrate the 3D4DEAF programme in schools, institutions, VET organisations etc.

  • During the VET service training:

  • All the leaders presented the project results and activities relevant to the target group

  • Presented the educational pack developed for two modules, 3D Technologies and Social Entrepreneurship and in 8 topics in total

  • Organised a practical workshop for the 8 topics

  • Presented the digital tools developed, Interactive Learning Platform, Mobile Application and AR Game

  • For each digital tool, a workshop was organized for the participants to navigate digital tools and test them

  • A feedback session was organised for participants to provide their feedback and suggestions for the results and activities developed in the project

  • Visited the School for the Deaf in Nicosia where a tour was given to the participants, a presentation on the history of the school for the deaf in Cyprus and analysis of the educational and professional careers of deaf in Cyprus

  • Presented the 3D4DEAF Methodology for professionals with guidelines and instructions on how to use the 3D4DEAF Programme in schools
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Visit in School of Deaf in Nicosia

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Practical workshop ‘How to shape the 3D printing using clay’

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Practical Workshop ‘3D Design and 3D printing’